So I flippantly said I would be a locavore for the days of Lent. Made the decision on Mardis Gras and took no actual preparation.
Day 1 - Ash Wednesday
Crawl out of bed and head towards the coffeepot - stop, remember my locavore announcement. Stare at coffee bag - there's no way I can call this local. Great - just Great. This is starting off Great! Walk to the tap and get some water - that's definitely local.
Out to the hen house to collect the morning eggs (Thanks Girls!) and head back in for breakfast. Pause at the coffeepot again with the rationalization wheels turning. The WATER is local. Brewed coffee is mostly water - Right? Shake it off - Drink some more water and start breakfast. Here I'm doing fine until I reach for the olive oil to fry my eggs. Definitely not local. Boil my eggs - again - water is local. Walk past coffeepot again and now swear it is laughing at me. Caffeine withdrawal starts to set in.
In the shower I make some rational (or rationalizing) decisions. If I have food products already open or that will expire before Lent is over - I will go ahead and consume. Anything not opened yet or will not expire stays in the cabinet.
Good decision - I can make coffee today. Bad decision I have about 2 days of coffee remaining at my current addiction level.
So I did what any good addict does - try to make it last. Today I've had only half my normal caffeine intake - do not get in my way.
After all this dithering I'm almost late to work - not to worry, I'll just buy lunch at the UWF cafeteria. Stop - they aren't locavore.
Back to the garden - Lettuce not large enough, not enough time to cook collards, all I have is swiss chard and carrots. So Lunch will be raw swiss chard, purple carrots, and a boiled egg. Not bad - swiss chard tastes fine raw. Its nice and chewy so you take longer to eat it and feel satisfied.
Luckily I have time after work today to stop by Everman's and desperately try to find some more local products. I just have to survive until this weekend until the Farmer's Market.
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